Want to
Aerial banners: A long line of characters (your message) towed byan aircraft.
Flying Billboards: (Up to 30 feet high) generated from your artwork.Billboards can be flown alone or combined with a trailing changeable AerialBanner.
Skywriting: Written white, requires clear blue sky and is donethe 'old fashion way' at 8,000-10,000 ft.
NightSign: A computerized hundreds of light bulbs grid, attachedto the bottom of an airplane enables us to keep your name floating in the skyafter the sun sets.
This mediumbrings your message out of the sky, right into eye level of a relaxed (not somuch when flying over rush-hour traffic and certain sports events...) and hugecaptive audience. Surprisingly inexpensive, you will find it very simple,direct, flexible, effective, unique and dominant, without the clutter of othermedia. The best way to reach people when they are away from the other media- on the beach, the golf course, at the park, shopping center or driving a car.
We are based atthe heart of the New York Hamptons', reaching North Jersey (including GiantsStadium),
Banners are made of nylon silhouette characters connected to each other.Standard characters on a beach banner are upper case, red and/or black,5 feet high. Other sizes (mainly 7') and colors (red and black are the mostvisible) are available. There are up to 42 slots for characters available on a standard5' banner. (Depending on temperature, humidity and aircraft engine size, moreare available.) We recommend, however, the shortest and 'to the point' message.If you combine 5' with 7' high characters and/or your logo, the number ofavailable 5' characters will decrease. (Count each letter, number, punctuationmark and space as a character.)
Flying billboards are available in many sizes from 5' x 5' up to the standard normalheight of 20-25' (Our more powerful airplanes can pull much taller signs).A ratio of 1:2 (height to length) is recommended. Your artwork will be enlargedand hand painted or Ink-Jet printed onto a large fabric 'billboard' that withnormal use can last more than a year. You may add a trailing changeableaerial banner to your billboard.
ELECTRONIC NIGHT SIGN: (Sorry, not available anylonger…)
Computerized moving characters are displayed on a 8' x 36', 252 light's grid,attached to the bottom of the aircraft. The moving letters,(8' high) are madeof high intensity individual lights and can be made bold, travel right or left,scroll up or down, and sweep right or left. Simple logo designs are alsoavailable. We recommend a message of less than 45 characters that can bedisplayed repeatedly or alternating with other messages.
Performed by a single airplane, emitting white smoke at 8-10,000 feet high. Weneed a clear, blue sky day to skywrite, and this fact makes it almostimpossible to schedule a skywriting to a certain date.
Banners: From a few hours to several days. NightSign: We can doit 'Real Time' but prefer a few days. Flying Billboards: Up to threeweeks from receipt of artwork.
The plane towing your message, flies slow, close to the beach at an averageairspeed of less than 60 mph. The ground speed varies, depending on the wind.While over land, the plane has to fly at a higher altitude (usually 1000').While displaying the NightSign, the plane will fly at 1000' above the ground.
Beach flights will be rotated throughout the prime time of the day when thebeaches are fullest. The sign will not be displayed along the target beachesbefore 10:30. We are not allowed to tow a banner after sunset. The NightSign isonly effective at dark.
We only fly under Visual Flight Rules, established by the FAA (above minimumvisibility and clouds' height). We will not take your aerial message to emptybeaches... On bad weather days (for flying and/or beaching) the flights arecanceled with no charge to you. Generally, a weather canceled weekend flightwill be substituted by an extended weekday flight.
flights rates depend on frequency and duration of the flights. We guaranteethem to be the lowest. Rates average $450 per flight hour. Please call withyour requested target area for your price. (See
You may double/triple pass individual beaches along the route atadditional charge. Price includes flight and assembling your standardbanner (fewer characters are available on a standard banner if a logo or 7 ftletters are involved). Additional characters may be added at $4 per letter perhour of flight. Message wording changes are $15 to $40 depending on the extentof the change.
billboards/logos flights involve a one time production cost of upto $2.90 per square foot depending on size, complexity and quantity ofbillboards. (Computer Ink-jet printed designs are little higher - up to $3.90per sq ft). The above flights' rates are for standard banners (up to 42 or 30characters for 5 ft or 7 ft respectively) and billboards (up to 20 feet high).
LEGIBLE and SHORT COPY: The basic idea should be expressed quicklyand with impact. The idea should be understood at a glance.
Type should be large and well spaced on a simple background. LARGEILLUSTRATIONS/PICTURES should capture the basic elements that identify the productor message. All unessential details should be eliminated.
BOLD COLORS: Colors should be vibrant and contrasting.
(Ranking color legibility: Black on Yellow, on White, on
SIMPLE BACKGROUND: The background should enhance the message, notcompete with it. The product should be silhouetted.
1' ( 12" ) | 120' | 525' |
2' ( 24" ) | 240' | 1000' |
3' ( 36" ) | 360' | 1500' |
5' ( 60" ) | 600' | 2500' |
7' ( 84" ) | 840' | 3500' |
The abovedistances (apply to banners and billboards) will vary by approximately 15%.
800-75 ON AIR (800756 6247)
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E-mail us: contact (at) aero-tag (dot) com
Aero-Tag, Inc.
P.O. Box 4055, Great Neck, New York 11023